SJTU ParisTech —— Chief editor

文章来源:MPAcc教育 作者: 发布时间:2013-12-26 浏览次数:423
Chief editor, SJTU ParisTech Review
1.      General description and objectives
SJTU ParisTech Review is an online review, published both in English and Chinese, to be launched in the beginning of 2014. Its audience: Chinese managers and executives. Its theme: the impact of technologies on business, the society and the individuals, the economy.
SJTU ParisTech Review is the Chinese version of the French-English magazine ParisTech Review and at the very beginning most of the Chinese version will be translated from the Western website. As soon as possible, original articles will be produced by the Chinese team.
The editor-in-chief will be at the same time the executive director of the magazine. He or she will overview all activities related to the magazine. Editorial quality control, both in Chinese and English, is crucial. But it is only one dimension of a wider objective which could be described as establishing a reputation in order to attract a wide audience.
The ultimate goal of the different national magazines is to establish a global brand.
The editor-in-chief will manage external service providers (technical agencies, maintaining and developing the website and, later, mobile applications) as well as content providers (translators and redactors).
He or she will have to deal with other stakeholders: an editorial board (to be constituted), sponsor companies.
He or she will report to Dean Denis-Rémis (SJTU ParisTech Institute, Shanghai) and Dr. Robert (ParisTech Review, Paris).
2.      Tasks
At the very beginning, most of the editorial production will be provided by the French magazine, and the website should be working by Feb. 2014. The core activity will be
1/ to manage translators and publish articles online
2/ to start developing the readership

After 3-6 months, the production of original articles will start. By this time, the editorial board will have been constituted.
Permanent tasks will consist of:
Managing translations: overview of translation of ParisTech Review articles into Mandarin (6-7 articles per month)
Managing production (after three to six months). Production management include identifying topics, authors, editing and publishing articles, having the articles reviewed by the editorial board
Managing publishing (uploading articles and images)
Management and development of readership
Communication campaigns, community management
Approaching and maintaining contacts with sponsor companies
(with the assistance of the ParisTech Review team)
3.      Professional profile
Strongwriting and editing skills in Mandarin
Perfectly fluent in English (part of the job will consist of writing letters as well as short texts for the website)
Internet savvy (if possible, experience managing a website)

4.      Personal profile
A manager, who has had management responsibilities, at least of one project
Excellent interpersonal skills, allowing to communicate with a high profile editorial board and to approach potential sponsors as well as authors who are equally high-level